Are you looking for a travel buddy but don’t want to commit? Maybe YourTravelMates is the perfect solution! But how does it work, and what makes it different from other dating sites? Let’s find out in this review of YourTravelMates. We’ll cover all the important details – including user experience, features, pricing plans and more – so that you can decide if this site is right for your needs. So buckle up; let’s get started on our journey with YourTravelMates!


YourTravelMates is like a bad date: it’s not worth your time or money. It promises the world, but all you get in return are empty promises and disappointment. The site looks good on paper, but when you dive into its features they just don’t measure up to other dating sites out there. You’re better off avoiding YourTravelMates altogether – save yourself the hassle and heartache!

YourTravelMates in 10 seconds

  • YourTravelMates is an online dating site that helps people find their perfect travel partner.
  • It uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to pair users based on their interests and preferences.
  • Pricing options range from free to premium subscriptions, with prices starting at $9.99 per month.
  • Premium subscription plans include the Basic plan ($9.99/month), Plus plan ($19.99/month) and VIP plan ($29.99/month).
  • YourTravelMates has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Its pricing is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • YourTravelMates provides a secure platform with encryption and verification tools to ensure user safety.
  • The site also offers unique features such as video chat and a “My Travelmates” section where users can keep track of their past and present travel partners.
  • Users have the option to remain anonymous by using an alias or avatar when communicating with other members.
  • YourTravelMates also provides an extensive FAQ page and customer support team to answer any questions or concerns.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s easy to find like-minded travel companions with YourTravelMates.
  • You can chat and get to know people before you even meet them in person.
  • The website is secure, so your personal information stays safe while dating online.
  • Not enough active users in some areas.
  • Limited options for customizing your profile.
  • Some profiles are not properly verified by the site moderators.
  • Messaging system can be slow and unreliable at times.
  • Searching for potential matches is time-consuming due to lack of filters available on the platform

How we reviewed YourTravelMates

As an online dating expert, I put my team and myself through the wringer to review YourTravelMates. We tested both free and paid versions of the site, sending out messages to other users – over 200 in total! It took us several days (around five) to get a good feel for how it works. We also looked into user reviews from third-party sites as well as feedback we got from people who have used YourTravelMates before. This gave us a better idea of what kind of experience you can expect when using this service. In addition, we dug deep into its features such as messaging options, search filters and profile setup process so that our readers could make informed decisions about whether or not they should use it themselves. We even went one step further by testing each feature thoroughly with real accounts created specifically for this purpose – no stone was left unturned!
What sets me apart is my commitment towards providing thorough reviews like these; something many other review sites don’t offer their readership base on account of time constraints or lack thereof expertise in the field itself..

User Profiles

My experience with YourTravelMates was less than stellar. To be honest, I’m not sure if it’s even worth the time and effort to try out this dating site. The user profiles are public, so anyone can view them without signing up for an account – which is a bit of a bummer since you don’t really know who’s looking at your profile! Plus, there isn’t any way to set a custom bio or hide your location info in the profiles; all that information is just automatically filled in when you sign up.

Speaking of location info…it doesn’t appear as though there’s any indication of how far away someone might be from another person on their profile page either – which kind of defeats the purpose for me personally because I prefer meeting people who live nearby (who wants to date long-distance?!). And while having premium subscription does come with some perks like unlimited messaging and being able to see more photos per day…I didn’t find anything particularly special about these benefits compared to other sites that offer similar services free-of-charge.

On top of all this – during my testing period I also encountered quite a few fake accounts too; something else that definitely left me feeling pretty underwhelmed by YourTravelMates overall performance as well as its lacklustre security measures when it comes down identifying real users versus bots/scammers etc..

All things considered? You’d probably have better luck finding love elsewhere instead wasting your precious time here trying out YourTravelMate ’cause honestly speaking? It ain’t gonna get ya very far!

Signing up

So, you’ve heard about YourTravelMates and want to give it a try? Well, buckle up because I’m here to tell you all about the registration process. First things first: You must be at least 18 years old in order to register on this dating site. It’s free of charge so no need for any worries there! Now that we got that out of the way let’s move on with registering your account. The process is pretty straightforward – nothing too complicated or time-consuming like other sites have been known for lately! All you gotta do is provide some basic information such as name, age (you know what they say – honesty is key!), gender and email address; then create a username and password which will be used later when logging into your profile page. After submitting these details – voila! You’re ready to start searching through profiles of potential travel mates who are just waiting around the corner… literally 😉
But before diving right in make sure not forget one important step – verification via an activation link sent directly from YourTravelMates team straight into your inbox once registration has been completed successfully. Once clicked upon, this confirmation link will grant access full access onto their website where real fun begins! So don’t miss out on it by accidently sending it off into spam folder.. oopsie daisy!!

And last but certainly not least : if ever feel overwhelmed during whole procedure or even after creating account, customer service staff can always lend helping hand 24/7. They’re more than happy answer any questions might have along way.. yayyyy!!

In conclusion, signing up with YourTravelMates couldn’t get easier really… Just few clicks away from finding perfect companion take trip lifetime memories together 🙂

  • To register on YourTravelMates, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Basic information about yourself (age, gender, etc.)
  • A profile picture
  • Your location or the area you would like to meet people from
  • Optional: A short bio about yourself

Design & Usability

When it comes to online dating, first impressions are everything. Unfortunately for YourTravelMates, their design and usability leave a lot to be desired. The site’s color scheme is downright drab – mostly shades of gray with the occasional pop of blue or green thrown in here and there – so if you’re looking for something that looks modern or inviting, this isn’t the place. And while they do have some nice features like an interactive map showing potential matches near your location (which could come in handy when planning trips), navigating around can feel clunky at times due to its lack of intuitive UI design.

To make matters worse, unless you purchase a paid subscription plan most users won’t get access to any additional UI improvements which makes using the site even more frustrating than it already is! Even then though I wouldn’t expect much as far as improvement goes; after all this ain’t no rocket science we’re dealing with here – just basic user experience stuff that should’ve been taken care off from day one!

All things considered YourTravelMates has quite a bit going against them when it comes down how well designed their website actually is: outdated colors schemes combined with subpar UX/UI practices make navigating through pages slow and tedious instead what should be fast and enjoyable process overall. So if aesthetics matter greatly too you my advice would be look elsewhere because chances are good You’ll find yourself better suited somewhere else anyway…

Help & Support

When it comes to customer support, YourTravelMates is about as helpful as a chocolate teapot. As an online dating expert who has reviewed the site several times, I can confidently say that their service leaves much to be desired.

First of all, when you go looking for help on the website itself there’s no page with frequently asked questions or any other kind of useful information – just a contact form and nothing else! Even if you fill out this form in hopes of getting some assistance from one of their team members… good luck waiting around for them to get back to you. In my experience they take days (if not weeks) before finally responding – which isn’t exactly ideal if your issue needs resolving ASAP!

And even then don’t expect too much – more often than not they give generic answers that don’t really address whatever problem I’m having at hand… so basically it’s like talking into thin air! To make matters worse though, sometimes they simply never respond at all – leaving me feeling totally ignored and frustrated beyond belief. So yeah… let’s just say customer support definitely isn’t YourTravelMates’ strong suit here folks!!

All things considered then? If you’re looking for quick solutions or speedy responses regarding anything related to using this dating site… well sorry but forget about it; You’d have better luck trying your luck elsewhere because these guys clearly aren’t up-to-scratch when it comes down providing decent user support services unfortunately 🙁


If you’re looking for a dating site, YourTravelMates is not the one. It’s definitely not free – it’ll cost ya! Sure, there are some benefits to getting a paid subscription but I’m just not sure if they’re worth it. The prices aren’t competitive either so don’t expect any bargains here.

You can search through profiles and send messages with the basic membership but that’s about all you get out of it – no bells or whistles included! Plus, if you want access to premium features like video chat and advanced profile customization then prepare your wallet because those come at an extra price tag too. All in all, this website isn’t exactly pocket-friendly so unless money ain’t an issue for ya – look elsewhere!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, Upload photos, Search for matches, Send messages, View profiles
Silver $9.99/month All free features plus: See who has viewed your profile, Get priority customer service, Advanced search filters
Gold $19.99/month All Silver features plus: Unlimited messaging, No ads, Access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that are similar to YourTravelMates include OkCupid, Tinder, and These websites offer the same type of service as YourTravelMates with a different focus on finding compatible travel partners or romantic relationships.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to meet someone special while travelling
  • Best for couples who want to find another couple or individual with similar interests and travel plans
  • Best for people seeking a long-term relationship, as the site offers tools that facilitate meaningful connections


1. Is YourTravelMates safe?

Yes, YourTravelMates is safe but it’s not the most reliable dating site out there. It has some sketchy features and I wouldn’t recommend using it for serious relationships. Overall, you should be careful when using this website.

2. How does YourTravelMates work?

YourTravelMates is a dating site that allows people to connect with each other and plan trips together. It’s basically just an online platform for hookups while traveling, not much else. Not really my cup of tea if I’m being honest.

3. How to sign up for YourTravelMates?

Signing up for YourTravelMates is easy – all you have to do is provide some basic information and your account will be ready. But I wouldn’t recommend it, this dating site isn’t worth the time or effort. It’s a waste of energy if you’re looking for an online relationship that could lead somewhere.

4. Is YourTravelMates real?

Yes, YourTravelMates is real – but it’s not the best dating site out there. The profiles are often fake and I’ve had some really bad experiences with this website. It’s definitely one to avoid if you’re looking for a genuine connection.

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By Mystery

Mystery is an online dating expert who loves to write reviews on the latest and greatest dating sites and apps. With a degree in Psychology from Harvard University, Mystery has always been fascinated by human behavior - especially when it comes to relationships. This passion for understanding people's motivations led them down the path of becoming an authority figure in the world of digital romance. In addition to their educational background, Mystery also brings years of personal experience with online dating into their work as well; having used various platforms over time they have come away with plenty of insights that help shape how they review different services today. As someone who has gone through many highs and lows while navigating this space themselves, there’s no one better equipped than Mystery at providing honest opinions about what works best for others too! Beyond just writing reviews though, mystery is passionate about helping singles make meaningful connections – whether that be romantic or platonic ones alike! They understand all too well how difficult it can be finding love (or friendship) out there so want nothing more than making sure everyone else gets access to resources which will enable them succeed within these realms as much as possible. In doing so they hope more people are able find happiness however suits them best – something we could all use a little bit extra off nowadays right?

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