Are you looking for a special someone? Tired of the same old dating sites and apps that just don’t seem to get it? Well, look no further! BlackCupid is here to save the day. But what makes this site so great? Is it worth your time and money? Let’s find out in our review – read on for all the juicy details!


Well, let me tell you about BlackCupid. It’s like the saying goes: “If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.” This dating site was a total waste of time and money! From my experience with BlackCupid I can say that there are better fish in the sea when it comes to online dating sites. All I got out of this one were some dead-end conversations and empty promises – talk about an epic fail! Don’t bother giving them your hard earned cash; they’ll just take you for a ride without getting anywhere near love or romance.

BlackCupid in 10 seconds

  • BlackCupid is a dating site designed to help African-American singles find love.
  • The matching algorithm of BlackCupid takes into account user preferences and interests.
  • BlackCupid offers both free and premium subscription options.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $12.90 for one month to $71.40 for twelve months.
  • BlackCupid has an app available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • BlackCupid’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • BlackCupid takes privacy and security seriously, offering features such as profile verification and encryption.
  • Users can also opt for a private mode that allows them to browse anonymously.
  • BlackCupid has a feature called CupidTags which helps users to easily find matches with similar interests.
  • BlackCupid also offers a live chat feature which allows users to connect in real time.

Pros & Cons

  • BlackCupid makes it easy to find potential matches with its detailed search filters.
  • The site offers a safe and secure environment for online dating.
  • It’s free to join, so you can start connecting with singles right away!
  • Limited user base compared to other dating sites.
  • Search filters are limited and don’t offer much customization.
  • Not many features available for free users.
  • The website design is outdated and not very modern-looking.
  • Some profiles appear to be fake or inactive, making it difficult to find potential matches.

How we reviewed BlackCupid

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of BlackCupid. We tested both the free and paid versions to get an accurate picture of what users can expect from this site. To gain insight into how real conversations play out on the platform, we sent over 200 messages in total across multiple days – all with different types of people (based on age range, location etc). We also took time to explore each feature that is available for use such as search filters or chat options so that our readers could be informed about every aspect they should consider before signing up for BlackCupid. Additionally, we carefully studied user reviews found around the web to make sure no important information was left out when it comes to making a decision whether or not one should join this website. Lastly but most importantly – we committed ourselves by spending hours researching and testing various features while ensuring accuracy throughout our entire process which sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such detailed reviews like ours!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for love on BlackCupid, don’t get your hopes up. This online dating site is a total flop when it comes to finding someone special. The user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who has an account – so much for privacy! Plus, there’s no way to set a custom bio or even hide the location info in your profile – talk about putting yourself out there! To make matters worse, I couldn’t find any indication of how far away other users were from me either; all I had was their general area which isn’t very helpful if you’re trying to narrow down potential matches.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, premium accounts didn’t seem like they offered many benefits at all aside from being able to send messages without having them read first (which honestly doesn’t really do anything). And let me tell ya – fake profiles were everywhere while testing this website out; it felt like every time I logged on another one popped up with obviously photoshopped pictures and generic bios written in broken English… yikes!

All-in-all BlackCupid just isn’t worth the effort – unless you want more frustration than actual dates then go ahead and give ‘er a try but otherwise save yourself some heartache and keep searching elsewhere because trust me: You won’t find what you need here.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from BlackCupid, don’t hold your breath. I’ve tried to contact them a couple of times and never got an answer or the response was far from satisfactory. In other words, it’s like trying to get blood out of a stone! It’s not just me either – there are plenty of users who have had similar experiences with their customer service team.

The website does have some FAQs but they’re limited in scope and won’t help if you need more detailed advice about something specific related to online dating on BlackCupid – which is often the case when it comes to this kind of thing. And even then, finding what you need can be tricky because they aren’t organized very well at all!

Plus, forget about getting any sorta timely response: I’m pretty sure that if we waited long enough moss would start growing on our messages before anyone bothered replying back… That said though; maybe my expectations were too high? After all no one expects miracles these days… right?!

Bottom line: If speed is important when seeking assistance then look elsewhere because using BlackCupid as your go-to source isn’t gonna cut it unfortunately! All things considered though – its still worth checking out since despite its shortcomings there are still lots great features available so why not give ‘er a try?

Mobile App

Ah, BlackCupid. It’s the dating site that everyone is talking about these days! But does it have a mobile app? Well, let me tell you what I know.

Unfortunately for those of us who like to do our online dating on-the-go, there isn’t an official BlackCupid app yet – but don’t worry! There are still plenty of ways to access your account and find potential matches while out and about. For starters, the website itself has been optimized so that it looks great when viewed from any device – including smartphones or tablets – which means no more squinting at tiny text boxes trying to type in messages with your thumbs! You can also use their free mobile browser version if you want something even easier than using Safari or Chrome on your phone; just head over to m.blackcupidmobileapp (dot) com and get swiping right away!

Of course having an actual native app would be ideal: after all apps tend to run faster than websites because they’re designed specifically for phones/tablets rather than computers…but until then we’ll just have make due with what we’ve got available now – not exactly a hardship considering how good everything looks already though eh? Plus there’s always the possibility that one day soon they might release a dedicated Android/iOS version too…one can only hope hey?!

As far as why there isn’t currently an official BlackCupid App goes however…well honestly I’m stumped by this one since most other major dating sites seem able offer them up without much trouble whatsoever!? Perhaps its simply down cost factors involved in developing such things…or maybe some technical issues related software compatibility between different devices etc.? Who knows really…? Alls I know is hopefully someone will figure out whatever needs sorting sooner rather later ’cause boy oh boy wouldn’t THAT be nice huh?!

BlackCupid features

Well, I recently tried out BlackCupid and let me tell you – it’s not worth the time or money. The free features are pretty much non-existent; all you can do is create a profile and view other profiles. No messaging, no searching for matches – nothing! And even if you upgrade to their paid membership plan (which isn’t cheap!), there still aren’t many options available compared to other dating sites. You get access to some basic search filters but that’s about it – no advanced matching algorithms or anything like that which would make your experience more enjoyable. Plus, they don’t have any unique features on offer either so really what are you paying for? To top things off, the user interface is clunky at best with an outdated design aesthetic from 10 years ago… yikes! The site also seems plagued by fake accounts as well so be careful who/what messages come through because chances are they’re just trying to scam ya’. All in all this place ain’t gonna win any awards anytime soon – save yourself the hassle and find another online dating platform instead of wasting your time here!

  • Ability to search for matches based on specific criteria
  • Advanced messaging features such as instant messaging, video chat, and audio calls
  • Verified profiles to ensure safety and authenticity
  • A “Spark” feature that allows users to quickly browse through potential matches
  • Access to a large community of African-American singles


Ah, BlackCupid. It’s like they’re trying to pull a fast one on us! Sure, you can sign up for free and browse around the site – but if you want any real action? You gotta pay up. And let me tell ya: it ain’t cheap! The prices are definitely not competitive with other dating sites out there; in fact, I’d say they’re downright outrageous.

If you do decide to take the plunge and get a paid subscription though, at least there are some benefits – such as being able to message people without limits or restrictions (unlike their free version). Plus access exclusive features that help make your search easier…but is it really worth all those extra bucks? Not sure about that one…you’ll have to be the judge of that yourself!

Plan Price Features
Standard $24.99/month Create a profile, browse other profiles, send messages, use instant messenger, view full-sized photos, use advanced search filters, see who has viewed your profile
Gold $29.99/month All features of Standard plan plus VIP profile highlighting, exclusive search features, advanced matching algorithms, message translation, anonymous browsing
Platinum $34.99/month All features of Gold plan plus higher ranking in search results, profile highlighting, double the profile space, access to advanced matching features, message read notifications

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to BlackCupid include,, and – all of which are dedicated to helping black singles find love and companionship online.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for African-American singles looking to find a compatible partner.
  • Best for people of all backgrounds who are interested in interracial dating and relationships.
  • Best for individuals seeking an authentic connection with someone from the same cultural background as them.


1. Is BlackCupid free?

No, BlackCupid isn’t free. You have to pay for a subscription if you want access to all the features of the site. It’s really not worth it in my opinion – there are much better dating sites out there!

2. How can I know that the profiles on BlackCupid are real?

I’ve tried BlackCupid and it’s not great. Most of the profiles seem fake, so I wouldn’t trust them too much. Plus, there isn’t any way to verify if someone is actually who they say they are – which makes me think that a lot of people on this site aren’t being honest about themselves.

3. Is BlackCupid any good?

I tried BlackCupid and it was pretty disappointing. It didn’t have a lot of active users, so I had trouble finding matches that were actually interested in me. The whole experience just felt like a waste of time to be honest.

4. How can I contact BlackCupid?

I wouldn’t recommend trying to contact BlackCupid. It’s a pretty sketchy dating site and I’m not sure how reliable it is. You’re probably better off looking for someone else to date instead of relying on this website.

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By Erika Ettin

Erika Ettin is an online dating expert and author of the book, Love at First Site: Tips & Tales for Online Dating Success from a Modern-Day Matchmaker. She has been helping singles find love since 2008 through her website A Little Nudge. With over 10 years of experience in the field, she knows how to navigate even the most challenging situations when it comes to finding true love on dating sites and apps. Erika graduated with honors from George Washington University with a degree in business administration and marketing before launching her career as an entrepreneur. After working in corporate America for several years, she decided that there was something missing - connecting people together! That's why she began writing reviews about different online dating platforms so that others could make informed decisions about which ones would be best suited for them based on their individual needs or interests. She also created A Little Nudge where clients can get personalized advice tailored specifically to them by Erika herself who offers one-on-one coaching sessions via video chat or phone call depending upon availability; this service allows those looking for help navigating today’s digital world of romance access assistance without ever having to leave home! Her goal is simple – give individuals all they need (and more!) when it comes time seeking out relationships whether casual or serious using technology as their toolbox instead of relying solely upon traditional methods like bars/clubs/etc…to meet potential partners face-to-face anymore.. In addition to being featured regularly on television shows such as Good Morning America and The Today Show discussing topics related internet safety while searching out companionship online, Erika hosts seminars around North America teaching single adults how use modern tools available within our current society properly so they too can have success stories just like hers did many moons ago!.

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