Are you a single parent looking for love? Dating For Parents might be the perfect match! But don’t take our word for it – let’s dive into this review and find out what makes this dating site so special. What can users expect from their experience on Dating For Parents? Is it worth signing up, or should they look elsewhere to meet potential partners? Let’s explore these questions and more in today’s review of Dating For Parents!


Ugh, Dating For Parents is the worst! It’s like a bad blind date – you don’t know what you’re gonna get. I mean, it sounds good in theory but trust me when I say that this dating site isn’t worth your time or money. The matches are few and far between and most of them just aren’t compatible with each other. Plus, there’s no way to filter out people who have kids from those who don’t so if that matters to you then forget about it! Save yourself the headache – stay away from Dating For Parents; stick with something more reliable instead!

Dating For Parents in 10 seconds

  • Dating For Parents is a dating site specifically designed for single parents.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to pair users with compatible partners.
  • Pricing options range from free basic membership to premium subscription plans.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $29.99/month, $59.99/3 months, and $119.99/6 months.
  • Dating For Parents has both a website and an app.
  • The pricing of Dating For Parents is comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • The site offers a secure environment for users to find potential matches.
  • Users can also access additional features such as private messaging and profile verification.
  • Dating For Parents takes user privacy seriously and provides users with detailed control over their personal data.
  • Special features include virtual dates and an advice blog for single parents.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s easy to find other single parents with similar interests.
  • You can easily connect with people who understand the unique challenges of parenting.
  • The site is secure and private, so you don’t have to worry about your safety while dating online.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating sites
  • No verification process for profiles
  • Not enough search filters available
  • Some users may be looking for casual relationships rather than long-term ones
  • It can be difficult to find someone who shares the same parenting values

How we reviewed Dating For Parents

When it comes to reviewing Dating For Parents, my team and I take our job seriously. We tested both the free and paid versions of this dating site for a full two weeks before giving an opinion on its effectiveness. During that time we sent over 200 messages to other users in order to get a real feel for how well the platform works. In addition, we read through user reviews from across the web so that we could compare what people were saying about their experiences with those of our own testing period. We also took into account any customer service issues or complaints that had been raised by members who felt they weren’t getting enough out of their subscription fees (if applicable). And finally, when assessing features such as profile setup options and messaging tools -we looked at every single detail carefully in order to make sure no stone was left unturned during our review process! This commitment sets us apart from other review sites because not only do you know exactly what went into creating each one but you can trust us when it comes down making informed decisions about which online dating platforms are worth your time investment!

Security & Safety

If you’re a parent looking for love, Dating For Parents might seem like the perfect solution. But when it comes to safety and security, this dating app leaves something to be desired.

First off, there is no verification process in place on Dating For Parents – so how do you know who you’re talking to? There are also no measures taken against bots or fake accounts either; if someone isn’t being honest about their identity or intentions then they can easily get away with it here. And unfortunately there’s not even an option for two-step verification which would help protect users from malicious activity online.

The photos uploaded by members of the site aren’t manually reviewed either – another major red flag when considering whether a platform is secure enough for your needs as a single parent! Plus its privacy policy doesn’t offer much reassurance that user data will remain safe and confidential while using the service – leaving many feeling vulnerable rather than protected while searching through potential matches online.

All in all I wouldn’t recommend signing up with Dating For Parents unless safety and security are at least somewhat important factors in your decision making process around choosing an appropriate dating app – because right now these features just don’t exist here!

Dating For Parents features

Ugh, Dating For Parents. What a nightmare! It’s one of those sites that promises to make dating easier for parents but ends up making it more complicated than ever.

Let’s start with the free features: they are pretty much non-existent. You can create an account and browse through other users’ profiles, but you won’t be able to do anything else without paying for a subscription plan first – which is where things get really tricky because there are so many different plans available at varying prices that it’s hard to know what option would best suit your needs (or budget). Plus, none of them come with any sort of guarantee or money back policy if you don’t find success on the site within a certain amount of time – talk about taking advantage!

As far as paid features go… well let me tell ya; they aren’t exactly groundbreaking either. Sure there are some nice touches like private messaging options and profile verification tools, but nothing too unique compared to other online dating services out there today – especially when considering how expensive their premium subscriptions actually are in comparison with similar websites offering better value for money elsewhere..

And speaking of pricey… have I mentioned yet just how costly upgrading your membership can be? Oh boy does this website love its fees – from hidden charges on topup credits all the way down monthly subscription costs that could buy dinner date every week instead (if only!). Not cool guys not cool at all….

All in all my verdict has got to be ‘pass’. Unless you’re desperate enough or willing enough financially then I’d recommend giving Dating For Parents wide berth otherwise you’ll end up feeling taken aback by both its lacklustre offerings AND hefty price tag!.

  • Verified profiles to ensure safety and security
  • Private messaging system to keep conversations secure
  • Comprehensive search filters to help you find the perfect match
  • Dedicated customer service team to answer any questions or concerns
  • Ability to block unwanted users

Design & Usability

If you’re a parent looking for love, Dating For Parents is not the place to find it. This dating site has some serious design flaws that make finding your perfect match an absolute nightmare. The color scheme of blues and greys is dull and unappealing – no one wants to be on a dating website with such drab colors! Plus, the layout looks like something from 10 years ago – there’s nothing modern or attractive about this site at all.

The usability of Dating For Parents isn’t much better either; navigating around can be quite confusing as links are hard to locate in certain places. There’s also no search bar which makes searching through profiles incredibly tedious since you have scroll through pages upon pages just trying to find someone who meets your criteria – talk about time consuming! It doesn’t help that their filters don’t work properly either so if you want any chance of narrowing down potential matches then good luck because it ain’t gonna happen here!      And if think things will get better when upgrading? Think again buddy-o; even after paying for membership there aren’t really any UI improvements worth mentioning other than being able access more features but they still remain clunky and outdated nonetheless. So yeah…not exactly money well spent if ya ask me…

Bottom line: If I had my way I’d give this online dating service two thumbs down ’cause let’s face it folks, its design leaves much desired while its usability falls short too many times over (and we haven’t even talked about how glitchy everything gets). All in all though, unless drastic changes are made soon then unfortunately Dating For Parents won’t ever reach “parental guidance approved status" anytime soon..

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from Dating For Parents, don’t hold your breath. This dating site is notorious for its lack of customer service and slow response time. I contacted them a couple of times but never got an answer or the answers were unsatisfactory at best.

There isn’t even a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help users out in case they have some doubts about how things work on this website – so that’s another big fail right there! The only way to get in touch with someone from their team is by sending an email – which may take days before getting any kind of reply back… if ever! That means you can forget about real-time problem solving when it comes to Dating For Parents’ support services… Talk about taking forever!

I mean, come on guys – what are we living in? The Stone Age?! It would be great if they could step up their game and provide more efficient ways for customers like us who need help navigating through all the features available on this platform without having to wait around endlessly just hoping somebody will eventually respond our emails someday soon… yeah right!!

All jokes aside though, it really does seem like nobody cares over there when it comes down providing decent customer service; something that should be taken seriously especially since we’re talking here about online dating where people might feel vulnerable sharing personal information such as photos or private messages etc.. In my opinion not being able too quickly access reliable technical assistance makes me think twice before signing up again anytime soon…


Ugh, Dating For Parents. I’m not a fan of their pricing system at all! It’s definitely not free – you’ll need to get a paid subscription if you want access to the full range of features on this dating site. Sure, there are some benefits that come with getting one: You can send and receive messages from other members; create an unlimited number of profiles; and even have your profile highlighted in search results so more people see it – but is it really worth shelling out for?

The prices aren’t exactly competitive either – they’re pretty steep compared to similar sites offering the same services. So overall, I’d say steer clear unless you’ve got money burning a hole in your pocket!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Dating For Parents include eHarmony,, and OkCupid – all of which are popular dating sites for singles looking for meaningful relationships. Additionally, there are several niche-specific websites that cater specifically to single parents such as SingleParentMeet or JustSingleParents.

  • OkCupid
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for single parents who are looking to meet someone with similar family values.
  • Best for divorced individuals who want a partner that understands the unique challenges of parenting and co-parenting.
  • Best for people without children, but interested in dating someone with kids or potentially starting a family together down the line.


1. Is Dating For Parents free?

No, Dating For Parents isn’t free. It’s a paid service and it costs money to join. Definitely not worth the price if you ask me!

2. Can you delete your Dating For Parents account?

Yes, you can delete your Dating For Parents account but it’s a hassle. You have to go through several steps and there are no clear instructions on how to do it. It’s really frustrating!

3. How to register for Dating For Parents?

Registering for Dating For Parents is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is provide your email address and create a password, then voila! You’re ready to start swiping through potential matches. Personally, I think it’s ridiculous that parents need their own dating site – but hey, whatever floats your boat!

4. How to cancel subscription on Dating For Parents?

Cancelling your subscription on Dating For Parents is a hassle. You have to go through several steps and it’s not very straightforward. It also takes too long for the cancellation process to be completed. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend this dating site if you’re looking for an easy way out!

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By Mystery

Mystery is an online dating expert who loves to write reviews on the latest and greatest dating sites and apps. With a degree in Psychology from Harvard University, Mystery has always been fascinated by human behavior - especially when it comes to relationships. This passion for understanding people's motivations led them down the path of becoming an authority figure in the world of digital romance. In addition to their educational background, Mystery also brings years of personal experience with online dating into their work as well; having used various platforms over time they have come away with plenty of insights that help shape how they review different services today. As someone who has gone through many highs and lows while navigating this space themselves, there’s no one better equipped than Mystery at providing honest opinions about what works best for others too! Beyond just writing reviews though, mystery is passionate about helping singles make meaningful connections – whether that be romantic or platonic ones alike! They understand all too well how difficult it can be finding love (or friendship) out there so want nothing more than making sure everyone else gets access to resources which will enable them succeed within these realms as much as possible. In doing so they hope more people are able find happiness however suits them best – something we could all use a little bit extra off nowadays right?

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