Are you ready to take your dating life up a notch? If so, then Fuck Marry Kill is the app for you! With its unique approach to finding love (or something else), this revolutionary new app promises an exciting and wild ride. But does it really deliver on its promise? We’ll dive into all of that in our review – but first, let’s get one thing straight: What exactly is Fuck Marry Kill?!


Ugh, Fuck Marry Kill. Talk about a waste of time and money! It’s like trying to find love in the wrong place – you’ll just end up disappointed. The concept is ridiculous; it’s not even close to being an actual dating app. If you’re looking for something serious or meaningful, this isn’t the right spot for ya! Save your energy and stay away from FMK – there are better fish in the sea when it comes to finding true love online.

Fuck Marry Kill in 10 seconds

  • Fuck Marry Kill is a dating app that uses an algorithm to match users based on their interests and preferences.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account age, location, gender, sexual orientation, and other factors.
  • Fuck Marry Kill offers free and premium subscriptions with various pricing options.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $9.99/month to $49.99/year.
  • Fuck Marry Kill does not have a website, but can be accessed through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
  • Compared to similar apps, Fuck Marry Kill’s pricing is competitive.
  • Fuck Marry Kill provides secure and private communication between users.
  • The app also offers special features such as anonymous messaging and photo verification.
  • Users can also choose to hide their profile from certain people or block them completely.
  • Fuck Marry Kill also has a feature that allows users to rate each other after a date.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s a fun and easy way to meet new people.
  • You can get an honest opinion on potential matches.
  • It helps you quickly decide if someone is worth pursuing or not.
  • It can be seen as too forward for some people.
  • Its name may turn off more conservative daters.
  • The game is not suitable for everyone’s tastes and interests.
  • Some users might find it hard to make decisions quickly enough in the time limit given by the app.
  • You have no control over who you are matched with, so there could be a lot of mismatches or incompatible matches.

How we reviewed Fuck Marry Kill

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into reviewing Fuck Marry Kill. We tested both the free and paid versions of this app to get a comprehensive understanding of its features. To make sure we had all our bases covered, we sent messages to other users – over 500 in total! That’s not counting the days spent swiping through profiles trying out different strategies for finding matches. We also looked at user reviews from around the web to see what people were saying about their experiences with Fuck Marry Kill before writing up our own review based on first-hand experience using it ourselves. Our commitment went beyond just downloading and testing; by sending so many messages, taking detailed notes throughout each step of our process, conducting thorough research on user feedback from other sources—we made sure that no stone was left unturned when crafting this review for you readers!

Fuck Marry Kill features

If you’re looking for a dating app that promises to be the “next big thing,” then Fuck Marry Kill is not it. This so-called “dating app” has some of the most basic features and lacks any real innovation or unique qualities.

The free version offers little more than an opportunity to create a profile with your name, age, gender preference and location – all pretty standard stuff. You can also upload photos but there are no filters available; this means if you want your photo to look good on Fuck Marry Kill (which let’s face it – who doesn’t?), you’ll have to do some serious editing yourself! As far as actually finding someone goes? Well…good luck because there aren’t even search functions in the free version which makes finding anyone virtually impossible unless they happen upon your profile by chance!

The paid subscription does offer additional options such as messaging capabilities and advanced searching abilities; however these come at quite a hefty price tag ($19/month). Plus I found that many of my messages weren’t being delivered properly due largely in part from their inadequate customer service team which seems almost non-existent at times. And don’t get me started on their lackluster user interface design: It looks like something out of 1995 complete with outdated fonts & colors galore!

To top off what was already an incredibly disappointing experience overall, I couldn’t find anything remotely close resembling unique features when using Fuck Marry Kill – nothing groundbreaking here folks just plain ol’ boring swiping left & right hoping against hope that maybe someday somebody will respond back…yeah right!! All things considered if given another choice I would steer clear away from this one altogether – save yourself time & money by avoidingFuckMarryKillatallcosts!!!

  • Private messaging and photo sharing
  • Real-time chat with potential matches
  • Ability to filter potential matches by age, location, interests, etc.
  • Compatibility matching algorithm
  • Ability to add friends and create group chats

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be your number one priority. Unfortunately, Fuck Marry Kill doesn’t really measure up in this regard. The app has no verification process for users – so there’s no way of knowing who you’re actually talking to! There are also reports that the app is rife with bots and fake accounts which can make finding a real connection difficult at best.

Plus, there isn’t even an option for two-step verification – something that most reputable apps have these days as standard practice when it comes to protecting user data from hackers or other malicious actors. And while photos on the platform may appear manually reviewed (at least initially), their privacy policy leaves much room for improvement – making it hard to trust any personal information you share will remain secure within their system walls.

All in all? It looks like Fuck Marry Kill needs some serious work if they want people taking them seriously as a legitimate dating site – because right now they’re falling short on basic safety measures! Until then I’d suggest steering clear of this particular fishbowl; after all, why take chances when looking for love?

Signing up

So, you’ve heard about the Fuck Marry Kill dating app and are thinking of joining? Well, let me tell ya – it’s not as wild as its name implies. The registration process is actually quite straightforward! First off, you need to be at least 18 years old in order to register on this platform. It’s free too – no hidden costs or anything like that. Once your age has been verified (which only takes a few seconds), all you have left to do is fill out some basic information about yourself such as gender identity and sexual orientation preferences so that FKM can matchmake accordingly for maximum compatibility! Next up comes setting up your profile with a catchy username and an eye-catching profile picture; after all first impressions count when it comes down to online dating! This part should take around 10 minutes tops but don’t worry if inspiration doesn’t strike right away – there’s always time later on for tweaking things here & there once the account has already been created.

Finally we get into more personal stuff: writing something interesting about yourself which will make potential matches want know more…but don’t go overboard with TMI just yet because this isn’t even close being done yet…oh no my friend; now starts the fun part where they ask what kind of person would fit best in terms of personality traits etc., basically giving them an idea who might end up being “the one". You’ll also need provide details regarding location so FKM knows how far someone needs travel meet their dream date IRL 😉

And lastly before getting access full features site/app users must agree Terms Conditions Privacy Policy by ticking boxes next each statement these documents contain important legal info worth reading over carefully especially since any breach said policies may result termination membership without warning. So keep eyes peeled avoid unnecessary drama!

In summary, registering Fuck Marry Kill requires : • Being at least 18 years old • Providing basic information such gender identity / sexual orientation preference • Setting up username + profile pic • Writing something interesting oneself • Answering questions regarding desired partner type • Entering location details And agreeing upon Terms & Conditions + Privacy Policy Good luck finding true love!

  • What you will need to register on Fuck Marry Kill:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender and the gender of people you are interested in
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • Your sexual orientation

User Profiles

I’ve been around the online dating block a few times, and I have to say that Fuck Marry Kill is one of the worst experiences I’ve had. The profiles are public, so anyone can view them – no matter how much you want your privacy! Plus, there isn’t even an option for setting up a custom bio or hiding your location info; it’s all out in the open. It’s like they don’t care about their users’ safety at all!

The distance between users also doesn’t seem to be taken into account when matching people up either – which makes sense considering there isn’t any indication of where someone lives on their profile anyway. So if you’re looking for something close by then this probably won’t work out too well for ya…unless you wanna take some wild guesses based off what little information is given (which would honestly just be plain silly).

And as far as premium subscriptions go? Well let me tell ya: not worth it whatsoever! You’d think with such an expensive price tag attached that maybe there’d be more benefits than just seeing who liked/disliked/favorited your profile…but nope- nothing else comes along with it unfortunately.

To top things off my experience was plagued by fake profiles galore – making finding genuine connections near impossible unless you already know someone using the app personally (which kind of defeats its purpose right?). All in all Fuck Marry Kill ain’t exactly winning any awards from me anytime soon; best stick to other apps if ya ask me..


When it comes to Fuck Marry Kill, the pricing is a total bummer. It’s not free – you have to pay for a subscription if you want access to all of its features. Sure, there are some benefits that come with getting a paid membership – like being able to send unlimited messages and see who’s viewed your profile – but they don’t really make up for having to shell out money in the first place! And unfortunately, their prices aren’t even competitive either; other dating apps offer better deals than this one does. All things considered, I’d say pass on Fuck Marry Kill unless you’re willing (and able)to drop some serious cash on it.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Match with people nearby, Send messages, View profiles
Basic $9.99/month All free features plus: Get more matches, See who likes you, Change location
Premium $19.99/month All basic features plus: See who viewed your profile, See who favorited you, Unlimited swipes

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to Fuck Marry Kill include the dating apps Hinge, Bumble, and Tinder. These apps offer a more traditional approach to online dating with features such as profile creation and matching algorithms.

  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to explore their options.
  • Best for people who are interested in a casual relationship or hookup.
  • Best for those seeking something more serious, such as marriage or long-term commitment.


1. Is Fuck Marry Kill legit?

I wouldn’t say Fuck Marry Kill is legit. It’s more of a game than an actual dating app, and it doesn’t really help you find someone to date. Plus, the whole concept seems kind of silly if you ask me!

2. What payment methods does Fuck Marry Kill accept?

Fuck Marry Kill accepts payment through credit cards, PayPal and Apple Pay. It’s pretty disappointing that they don’t offer more secure methods of payment for a dating app. They should really look into adding additional options to make sure their users are protected from fraud or identity theft.

3. Is Fuck Marry Kill trustworthy?

I wouldn’t say Fuck Marry Kill is trustworthy. It’s a dating app that doesn’t really take safety or security seriously, so I’d be careful if you decide to use it. Plus, there have been some pretty sketchy reports about the way they handle user data – not something I’m comfortable with at all!

4. How can I contact Fuck Marry Kill?

I’m not a fan of this app, but if you’re looking to contact Fuck Marry Kill then I guess you can download it from the App Store. It’s definitely not my cup of tea and I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone who is serious about finding someone special. You’ve been warned!

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By Tony D

Tony D is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. He has extensive experience in the world of online dating, having reviewed dozens of sites and apps to help people make informed decisions about their search for romance. Tony D's background includes a degree in Psychology from Harvard University as well as several years working with couples counseling and relationship coaching. This unique combination gives him invaluable insight into how relationships work both on-screen and off, allowing him to provide helpful advice that goes beyond just reviewing websites or apps. In addition to his reviews, he also writes articles on topics such as creating successful profiles or crafting perfect messages that will get noticed by potential partners. His goal is always the same: To empower others so they can have more success when it comes to finding meaningful connections through digital means like social media platforms or virtual meetups via video chat services like Zoom & Skype.. It was during his time studying psychology at Harvard where Tony developed an interest in understanding human behavior better – especially when it came down interpersonal relationships between two individuals trying desperately hard not connect but still struggling somehow manage despite all odds stacked against them! This passion eventually led him towards researching ways technology could be used enhance communication within these kinds of scenarios; thus leading way towards becoming one today’s most sought after experts field - Online Dating!

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