Are you ready to jump into the dating pool? Glambu is here to make it easier than ever! But how does this new online dating site measure up? Does it live up to its promises of connecting singles with their perfect match, or will users be left feeling let down and disappointed? Let’s take a closer look at Glambu and find out what makes it stand out from the rest.


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, Glambu ain’t it. It’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot! From the cheesy ads to the outdated design – this place is stuck in the past. Not only does it take forever to load but there are hardly any active users on here anyway so good luck finding someone special. Save yourself some hassle and don’t bother with Glambu; trust me when I say there are much better options out there!

Glambu in 10 seconds

  • Glambu is an online dating site that uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to help users find their perfect match.
  • The algorithm takes into account user preferences, interests, and lifestyle choices to make sure they are matched with compatible partners.
  • Glambu offers two pricing options: free and premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions cost $19.99 per month or $119.99 for a year.
  • Glambu also has an app available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other similar sites, Glambu’s pricing is very competitive.
  • Glambu takes privacy and security seriously and has measures in place to protect user data.
  • Glambu also offers unique features such as the ability to search by location and age range.
  • Users can also view profiles anonymously and send messages without revealing their identity.
  • Glambu also offers a “match me” feature which allows users to be matched with potential partners based on their profile information.

Pros & Cons

  • Glambu makes it easy to find someone who shares your interests.
  • It’s a great way to meet people from all over the world.
  • The app has an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • It’s not free to use all the features.
  • The search feature is limited and can be difficult to navigate.
  • You have to pay for premium membership in order to access certain features like messaging other users.
  • Some profiles are incomplete or contain inaccurate information about their interests/backgrounds.
  • There aren’t many active members on Glambu, so it may take some time before you find a match that fits your criteria perfectly

How we reviewed Glambu

As an online dating expert, I know that reviewing a site like Glambu requires more than just looking at the surface. That’s why my team and I spent days testing both free and paid versions of this platform. We sent out messages to other users – over 100 in total! And we didn’t stop there; our commitment to providing an in-depth review was evident as we took time exploring every feature available on Glambu from creating profiles, searching for matches, chatting with members etc., so readers can get all the information they need before signing up for any kind of membership plan. Our experience gave us insights into how well this dating site works which sets us apart from other reviews sites who don’t offer such detailed feedbacks about platforms like these.

User Profiles

Glambu is a dating site that claims to provide an enjoyable and safe experience for its users. Unfortunately, my experience with the platform was far from satisfactory. First of all, I noticed that most user profiles are public which means anyone can view them without signing up or logging in. This makes it difficult to maintain privacy as there’s no way to control who sees your profile info unless you upgrade your account with a premium subscription – something Glambu heavily encourages but doesn’t necessarily offer any benefits for doing so other than being able to hide some information like location details from others’ eyes. I also found out that although the profiles do include basic information about where people live (city/state), there’s no indication of how close they actually are geographically speaking – not even approximate distances between two members! So if you’re looking for someone near by this might be quite disappointing since you have no idea whether or not they’ll be within driving distance until after exchanging messages…and maybe even meeting up!
Furthermore, while testing out Glambu I encountered several fake accounts whose sole purpose seemed to be getting me interested enough into upgrading my membership plan – needless-to-say these kind of shady tactics made me feel more than uncomfortable when using their service…especially considering it’s supposed “safe environment" claim on their website homepage!. All things considered, If online dating isn’t really your thing then give Glambu a miss because honestly nothing good will come outta trying this one; trust me – been there done THAT!!

Signing up

Signing up for Glambu is a piece of cake! All you need to do is fill out the registration form, hit submit and you’re ready to start mingling. The minimum age requirement for registering on this dating site is 18 years old, so no minors allowed. Plus it won’t cost ya anything – signing up with Glambu doesn’t come with any hidden fees or charges!

First things first: once you land on their website, click “Register Now” in the top right corner of your screen and get started filling out that sign-up sheet. You’ll be asked to provide some basic info like your name (first & last), email address and date of birth – just make sure all those details are correct before hitting ‘Submit’. Then comes creating a username; pick something creative but not too long as it will show up next time someone checks out your profile page. After that’s done there’s one more step left – setting an account password which should contain at least 8 characters including numbers or symbols (for extra security). And voila – now we’re ready for take off!

Next thing ya know, Glambu has sent an activation link straight into our inboxes… So don’t forget ta check if everything looks alright over there before clicking confirm – after all we want everything spick ‘n span when starting off fresh online. Once confirmed though,you can log back onto the website anytime using either credentials from Facebook/Google+ OR by entering them manually each time. No matter what way works best for us,we have access!

So far so good? Awesome stuff then let’s move along… Because while most sites would stop here,Glambo takes its users’ safety seriously : they ask everyone who signs up go through a few additional steps such as verifying phone number via SMS code AND uploading photo ID documents … It might sound tedious BUT hey these guys really care about keeping scammers away from their members…so kudos!

And finally — welcome aboard matey!! We’ve made it through registration process without breaking sweat 😉 Time ta find ourselves somebody special..and may luck be ever in our favor

  • To register on Glambu, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A secure password
  • Your date of birth
  • Your gender
  • Your location (city/state)
  • An optional profile picture

Glambu features

Ah, Glambu. What can I say? It’s a dating site that claims to be the "next generation of online dating," but in my opinion it falls short on delivering what it promises.

Let’s start with the free features: they are seriously lacking! You get access to basic search functions and profile creation, but nothing else – no messaging or even flirting capabilities whatsoever! That means you won’t have much luck finding someone special unless you upgrade your membership – which is not cheap at all by the way. Plus, if you want any kind of customization options for your profile page (like adding photos) then forget about it because those aren’t available either without upgrading first. So basically if you’re looking for something more than just browsing profiles then don’t bother signing up here; there isn’t enough value offered from its free version alone so save yourself some money and go elsewhere instead!

Moving onto paid features… well let me tell ya – this is where things really fall apart on Glambu’s end as far as I’m concerned. The main feature advertised here is their “matchmaking algorithm" which supposedly uses an advanced AI system to match users based off their interests and preferences…but after testing out this service myself multiple times over several weeks I still haven’t seen any evidence that proves otherwise; most matches were completely random with little-to-no relevance between us whatsoever!! Not only was there a lack of compatibility between potential partners but also zero unique qualities or services provided through these connections – nothing like personalized advice/tips regarding how best approach each other etc., making them pretty useless overall in terms of actually helping people find meaningful relationships online.

All in all, while Glambu may look nice visually speaking (I mean who doesn’t love flashy graphics right?) when push comes down shove unfortunately its performance leaves much desired….especially considering what they charge customers per month compared to similar sites offering better deals & results!!! Unless major improvements are made soon i’d highly recommend avoiding using this platform altogether until further notice…

  • Matching algorithm that helps users find compatible partners
  • Ability to create a detailed profile and add photos
  • Chatting feature for users to connect with each other
  • Verification process to ensure safety and security of users
  • Option to search for matches based on interests, location, etc.

Security & Safety

Glambu is a dating app that promises to help you find your perfect match. But when it comes to safety and security, Glambu falls short of the mark. It doesn’t have any verification for users, so there’s no way of knowing who you’re really talking to or if they are even real people! Plus, there’s no two-step verification option available either – meaning anyone can easily access your account without having to provide additional information about themselves.

The photos on Glambu aren’t manually reviewed either which means fake accounts could be using images stolen from other sources online. This leaves users vulnerable as these fake profiles may not have their best interests at heart and could be trying scam them out of money or personal details like credit card numbers etc.. As far as fighting against bots goes – forget about it; with no manual review process in place those pesky automated accounts will run rampant across the platform leaving unsuspecting victims in their wake! And don’t get me started on its privacy policy…it’s pretty much non-existent! All this adds up making Glambu one big red flag when it comes down protecting user data and keeping everyone safe while they search for love online – what a bummer!!


Glambu is a dating site that has some potential, but the pricing isn’t something to write home about. Sure, it’s free to join and create your profile – which is great! But if you want access to any of their features like messaging or seeing who viewed your profile then you’ll have to shell out for one of their paid subscriptions. And let me tell ya – they ain’t cheap! The monthly plans start at $20 and go up from there depending on how long you commit for.

The benefits are pretty decent though; with a subscription comes unlimited messaging capabilities as well as an ad-free experience while browsing profiles so that’s nice…but I’m not sure it justifies such high prices when compared against other sites in the same market space. If Glambu wants more people signing up, they’re gonna need lower rates ASAP or else no one will be interested in what they have going on here!

Plan Name Price Features
Basic $19.99/month Profile Creation, Photo Uploads, Messaging, Matching
Premium $29.99/month Profile Creation, Photo Uploads, Messaging, Matching, Advanced Search, Date Ideas, Profile Boosts
VIP $49.99/month Profile Creation, Photo Uploads, Messaging, Matching, Advanced Search, Date Ideas, Profile Boosts, Verified Profiles, Personalized Matchmaking

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Glambu include OkCupid,, and eHarmony. These sites offer a variety of features that can help users find potential partners in their area or around the world.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who want to meet new people in their area.
  • Best for singles who are open-minded and ready to explore different types of relationships.


1. Is Glambu free?

No, Glambu isn’t free. It’s a money grab for people looking to find love online. Not worth it in my opinion!

2. How does Glambu website work?

Glambu is a dating site that’s pretty much just like any other. You create an account, fill out your profile and start swiping away – nothing special there. It also seems to be full of bots so it can get annoying real quick. Overall, not the best experience I’ve had with online dating sites.

3. Is Glambu worth the money?

Glambu isn’t worth the money. It’s a waste of time and resources – I’ve yet to find anyone worthwhile on there. Plus, it’s expensive compared to other dating sites out there!

4. How to find people on Glambu?

Finding people on Glambu is a nightmare – it’s so hard to narrow down the search. The profiles are all over the place and you never know who you’re talking to. It’s like playing Russian roulette with your love life!

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By Erika Ettin

Erika Ettin is an online dating expert and author of the book, Love at First Site: Tips & Tales for Online Dating Success from a Modern-Day Matchmaker. She has been helping singles find love since 2008 through her website A Little Nudge. With over 10 years of experience in the field, she knows how to navigate even the most challenging situations when it comes to finding true love on dating sites and apps. Erika graduated with honors from George Washington University with a degree in business administration and marketing before launching her career as an entrepreneur. After working in corporate America for several years, she decided that there was something missing - connecting people together! That's why she began writing reviews about different online dating platforms so that others could make informed decisions about which ones would be best suited for them based on their individual needs or interests. She also created A Little Nudge where clients can get personalized advice tailored specifically to them by Erika herself who offers one-on-one coaching sessions via video chat or phone call depending upon availability; this service allows those looking for help navigating today’s digital world of romance access assistance without ever having to leave home! Her goal is simple – give individuals all they need (and more!) when it comes time seeking out relationships whether casual or serious using technology as their toolbox instead of relying solely upon traditional methods like bars/clubs/etc…to meet potential partners face-to-face anymore.. In addition to being featured regularly on television shows such as Good Morning America and The Today Show discussing topics related internet safety while searching out companionship online, Erika hosts seminars around North America teaching single adults how use modern tools available within our current society properly so they too can have success stories just like hers did many moons ago!.

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