Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Have you tried every dating app out there, but still haven’t found “the one”? Well then look no further than SweetPea! This revolutionary new dating app promises to help users find true and lasting connections. But does it really deliver on its promise? Read our review of SweetPea to find out if this is the perfect match for your search for romance!


Well, SweetPea is definitely not the cream of the crop when it comes to dating apps. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – you might get lucky but more likely than not, you’ll be wasting your time and money! The user interface isn’t great either; I mean, who wants an app that looks like it was designed by someone from 1995? Plus there are way better options out there with far more features and higher quality matches. So if I were you, I’d steer clear of SweetPea – trust me on this one!

SweetPea in 10 seconds

  • SweetPea is a dating app that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find potential matches.
  • The matching algorithm considers factors such as interests, age, location, and more.
  • SweetPea offers two pricing options: free and premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions cost $9.99/month or $79.99/year.
  • SweetPea does not have a website but can be accessed through the App Store or Google Play.
  • SweetPea’s pricing is comparable to other similar apps on the market.
  • SweetPea takes user privacy and security seriously with features like profile verification and secure messaging.
  • SweetPea also offers special features like the ability to filter by gender identity and sexual orientation.
  • Users can also join group chats and take part in virtual events.
  • SweetPea allows users to connect with people around the world using its global search feature.

Pros & Cons

  • SweetPea makes it easy to find compatible matches with its sophisticated algorithm.
  • The app is user-friendly and intuitive, making the dating process stress-free.
  • SweetPea offers a safe space for users to explore their romantic interests without judgement or pressure.
  • Limited user base in some areas
  • Not enough features to stand out from other dating apps
  • Messaging can be slow and unreliable at times
  • Can’t filter matches by age or location
  • Some users have reported technical issues with the app

How we reviewed SweetPea

As an online dating expert, I and my team put SweetPea through a rigorous review process. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app to ensure that we had access to all its features. To get a better understanding of how it works in real life, we sent out over 200 messages across different platforms during our two-week testing period – talking with users from around the world who were already using SweetPea. We also took time studying user reviews on other sites as well as feedback from people who have used this app for some time now before coming up with our own conclusion about what makes SweetPea stand out among other dating apps available today. Finally, after spending countless hours researching every aspect of this platform – including pricing plans offered by them –we are confident that no one can provide such an in-depth analysis like us!

Design & Usability

As an online dating expert, I have to say that SweetPea is a bit of a letdown when it comes to design and usability. The colors are drab and uninspiring – they make the app look like something out of the 90s! And while its layout may be easy enough for anyone to navigate, there’s nothing special about it. It looks generic at best.

When it comes to usability, SweetPea falls short as well. While you can search for potential matches with ease using their filters, actually interacting with them isn’t so straightforward; messages take forever (it feels like) before being sent or received! Plus if you want any UI improvements such as customizing your profile page or getting more detailed analytics on your account activity then forget about free access – those features require purchasing a paid subscription plan which makes this already mediocre experience even worse in my opinion..

All in all I’d give SweetPea two thumbs down because not only does its design leave much room for improvement but also its overall user experience could use some serious work too! If you’re looking for an enjoyable way to find love online then keep searching ’cause this ain’t gonna cut it folks!.

User Profiles

Ah, SweetPea. The dating app that promises to be the sweetest thing since sliced bread! Unfortunately, I can’t say my experience was all that great. Let me break it down for you:

First off, user profiles are public and anyone with an account can view them – not ideal if you want your privacy protected. You do have the option of setting a custom bio but this isn’t very useful when everyone knows where you live because location info is included in every profile – no way to hide it either! There’s also no indication of how far away someone lives from another person so there’s really no telling who might show up on your list of matches or even worse – messages! And don’t get me started on premium subscriptions…it doesn’t seem like they offer any real benefits apart from access to certain features which honestly aren’t worth paying extra for anyway (unless maybe if money grows on trees).

On top of all this I encountered several fake profiles while testing out SweetPea – definitely not something one wants when looking for love online…or anywhere else come to think about it!. It just goes to show why people should always exercise caution whenever using dating apps such as these; after all nobody likes getting their heart broken by some random stranger pretending they’re somebody else right? All things considered though its safe enough provided users take necessary precautions and keep their wits about them at all times..

Help & Support

When it comes to customer support, SweetPea leaves a lot to be desired. If you’re looking for help with this dating app, don’t hold your breath! The response time is painfully slow and there’s no page of frequently asked questions that can give users the answers they need right away. I’ve tried contacting them several times but either got nothing back or an unsatisfactory answer – not exactly what you want when trying out a new online dating platform!

It doesn’t take much effort on their part to make sure customers get the assistance they require in order for them have an enjoyable experience using SweetPea. Unfortunately though, it seems like customer service isn’t high up on their list of priorities – which is really disappointing considering how important communication between users should be within any kind of social media platform. It just goes to show that if something looks too good to be true then chances are…it probably is!

To put it bluntly: unless you enjoy waiting around endlessly for someone from tech support (which let’s face it nobody does!) then steer clear of this one because sweet pea won’t do anything about getting your problems solved quickly and efficiently – trust me I know from personal experience!. All things considered; if having access decent technical support matters more than finding love at first swipe…you might wanna look elsewhere instead!!


Ah, SweetPea! It’s the dating app that everyone is talking about. But does it have a website version? Well, I’m here to answer all your questions and give you an overview of what SweetPea has to offer – both in its app form and on its website (if there is one).

So let’s get down to business: Does SweetPea have a site? The short answer is yes – but not quite like other online dating sites. Unlike most traditional websites for online daters, which are often full of bells and whistles designed more for entertainment than actual matchmaking purposes, the official SweetPea website offers only basic information about how their service works as well as some helpful tips on using the app effectively. So if you’re looking for something more robust or interactive when it comes to finding love online then this isn’t really going be your cup of tea – but hey at least they’ve got something right?! In terms of features offered by both versions though there aren’t too many differences between them; users can still create profiles with photos/videos uploads plus search through potential matches based on various criteria such as age range etc., so nothing new here either unfortunately… That said however one advantage that may appeal specifically towards those who prefer web-based platforms over apps could be that since no downloads are required navigating around should theoretically feel smoother compared with having everything crammed into a tiny phone screen (which can sometimes become overwhelming!).

Overall then while having an official site might make things easier from time-to-time especially if mobile access becomes limited due overall design wise it doesn’t bring anything particularly revolutionary or innovative compared with similar services out there so don’t expect any miracles just yet!


When it comes to SweetPea, the price tag isn’t sweet at all. Sure, you can download and use the app for free but if you want access to its full features then prepare your wallet! The paid subscription is pretty steep compared to other dating apps out there. It’s definitely not competitive when it comes down to pricing – so don’t expect any discounts or deals anytime soon.

If money isn’t an issue though, a paid subscription will give you more control over who sees your profile and offers additional filtering options as well as unlimited messaging capabilities – which could be worth every penny depending on how serious of a dater you are! But overall I’d say that SweetPea needs some work in terms of offering better value for their customers’ hard-earned cash…

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Profile creation, Swiping, Messaging
Plus $9.99/month All free features, Unlimited swipes, Advanced search filters, See who liked you
Premium $19.99/month All Plus features, Priority support, Read receipts, No ads

Similar Apps

Other dating apps that may be of interest include Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid. These alternatives offer different features such as location-based matching or the ability to connect with people who have similar interests.

  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Hinge
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for those looking to meet new people
  • Best for those who want a serious relationship
  • Best for singles of all ages and backgrounds


1. How does SweetPea work?

SweetPea is just another dating app that’s out there. It works like any other, you create a profile and start swiping away. I’m not sure why people bother with it when there are so many better options available.

2. Does SweetPea have a mobile app?

No, SweetPea doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s really disappointing since most dating apps do. I expected more from them considering they’re supposed to be an expert in the online dating world!

3. Is SweetPea working and can you find someone there?

I tried SweetPea and it didn’t really work for me. I’m not sure if anyone else has had any luck, but I couldn’t find anyone there. Overall, my experience with the app was pretty disappointing.

4. What are SweetPea alternatives?

I’m not a fan of SweetPea. There are much better alternatives out there like Bumble, Tinder and Hinge that offer more features and have larger user bases. I’d suggest steering clear of SweetPea if you’re looking for an online dating app.

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By Mystery

Mystery is an online dating expert who loves to write reviews on the latest and greatest dating sites and apps. With a degree in Psychology from Harvard University, Mystery has always been fascinated by human behavior - especially when it comes to relationships. This passion for understanding people's motivations led them down the path of becoming an authority figure in the world of digital romance. In addition to their educational background, Mystery also brings years of personal experience with online dating into their work as well; having used various platforms over time they have come away with plenty of insights that help shape how they review different services today. As someone who has gone through many highs and lows while navigating this space themselves, there’s no one better equipped than Mystery at providing honest opinions about what works best for others too! Beyond just writing reviews though, mystery is passionate about helping singles make meaningful connections – whether that be romantic or platonic ones alike! They understand all too well how difficult it can be finding love (or friendship) out there so want nothing more than making sure everyone else gets access to resources which will enable them succeed within these realms as much as possible. In doing so they hope more people are able find happiness however suits them best – something we could all use a little bit extra off nowadays right?

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